Thank you for the beautiful gift of my children, and for the blessing of their education. I trust in your providence and your promises, and ask for your blessing on them as they begin this new school year. Be near them in times of fear, anxiety and stress. Give them confidence and hope in you. I know you made them unique in your image, and that you have great plans for them! As they bump into challenges, disappointments, joys and achievements, please be present in their lives and give me the wisdom to guide them and point them toward you every day, and in every thing. Please give the teachers, staff and administrators wisdom and endurance as they begin the long school year. What a gift these men and women are! I thank you for them all. Please surround my children with good community, with kind friends and wise teachers. Please keep them safe at school as they travel to and from there. Let my children be a light for you in their classrooms! Let them spread joy and gratitude each day. Thank you Father, for your many blessings! Amen.